A Bit Crack

Storytelling for Adult Audiences in the North East. We meet to share stories at 7.30pm on the first Friday of every month at: The Chillingham Arms, 89-91 Chillingham Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 5XL Guest storytellers are invited from around the world and there’s always an opportunity for voices from the floor. Our Open Nights … Read More

Storytelling in Schools

Storytelling is an art in itself but is the best preparation for Literacy.Storytelling for Pre School and The Foundation StageStorytelling to develop concentration, speaking and listening skills.Working with parents and carers to encourage storytelling and language development.Chris’ Story Kits – story making boxes – create an opportunity for home-school relations to be nurtured through Storymaking.Storytelling for … Read More

The Storyteller

Between 2015 and 2021 the were regular storytelling events at Northern Stage on the first Saturday in the month for family audiences as well as special events for Under 5s. Watch the trailer